'Our automation needs are a lot more complex and extensive than the possibilities of Exact Online and T-Box has provided the right addition'
Field service is an important part. Customers of Horequip services like the fact that they can go to one address for both purchase and maintenance of their equipment.
Horequip is known for its easy accessibility, national coverage and the swap service where a defective item is exchanged for a working one.
Een periode van stevige groei maakte het noodzakelijk om interne processen te optimaliseren en te automatiseren. Doordat Exact Online géén all-in-one omgeving heeft voor bedrijven die voorraad houden én projecten uitvoeren, koos Horequip ervoor om gebruik te gaan maken van twéé licenties van Exact Online: Projectmanagement en Handel. “Prima als basis”, vertelt Stefanie Timmerman, controller en teamleider van de administratie van Horequip. “Maar we wilden één financieel systeem realiseren en gegevens koppelen en consolideren.”
“We use T-Box to automate various processes between the two licenses, and outside the licenses.
Our automation needs are a lot more complex and extensive than the possibilities of Exact Online and T-Box has provided the right addition.”
“In the beginning it was unclear who was going to take the lead. The start of the implementation was therefore more difficult than we expected. It turned out that we really needed some more guidance. Fortunately, we came to a successful conclusion together, but the full implementation did cost us more time and effort than we initially thought.
Dealing with tickets that we enter for questions or comments was a bit of a struggle at first. As far as we were concerned, it could have been done a little faster and the accessibility of the T-Box consultants certainly needed improvement in the beginning. On the other hand, we do notice that T-Box has a lot of practical knowledge of the market. This allows them to translate our problems and wishes well into the automation solutions.”
info@t-box.nl +31 85 051 24 71 Esp 234 5633 AC, Eindhoven
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