Dudok switches to streamlined administration

Written by Joan | 2023-07-16

It involved some trying out but we learned by trial and error and now our general ledger accounts and customer relations run in sync.

Dudok, café, bar and restaurant opened its doors in 1991. The majestic grand café became the ‘place to be’ for the Rotterdam population strolling through town. Building on this success ,Dudok expanded into a group of hospitality and event companies in big Dutch cities such as Rotterdam, The Hague, Arnhem and Amsterdam.

Dudok, cafe and bar

The renowned Dudok- apple pie was the beginning of their own pattiserie providing daily fresh pastries. These delicacies are delivered and sold to many locations among which Dudok’s own pattiserie bakeries. Because of the large expansion of business activities it became necessary for Dudok to streamline its administration. But how can that be done?

Wolf de Nooy is the responsible Business Development & Control and IT manager. He relates: “As a result of the increase in different records it became a very time-consuming task to make administrative changes. Mutations in general ledger accounts and customer realtions were typed in by hand with risk of errors being made. Over time, general ledger account schemes of various activities had grown apart, resulting in the use of a range of different general ledger numbers for particular cost types. This made proper business analysis at group level a very complex puzzle indeed.

Dudok-assortiment-van-de-patisserie.jpg A selection from the Dudok range.

High time for efficiency gain

“We would like to make our lives easier, save time and produce efficient reports”,says Wolf. “It was time to connect our various administrations by means of an application. Together with software company Acconet we worked on creating a central model administration for all business units. From January this year we have been using T-Box to synchronise our administrations with that model administration. Customer relations and general ledger account numbers are now centrally managed. Everything works better now.”

Looking back on the process Wolf says that the entire procedure went according to expectation. “It involved some trying out but we learned by trial and error and now general ledger accounts and customer relations at Dudok run in sync and alterations have to be entered into the computer only once.”

More about Acconet and T-Box

Acconet, provider of company software, supports companies in their implementation of Exact software packages. Their self- developed product T-Box enables integration of additional data into Exact Online or another type of business administration. In addition T-Box can make collaborating companies’ divergent systems communicate with each other. In the Exact App Center and on the T-Box site there are several solutions Acconet can offer with T-Box.

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