From sweat on the back to a global company

Written by Joan | 2019-03-13

'We are building the urban vehicle of the future and providing relief for the gridlocked roads in world cities.'

Gerald van Weel is one of the two directors of Urban Arrow. He says: “As a father, I took my young children to their sports club and music lessons on a cargo bike. That was tiring pedaling. The sweat was on my back. Together with business partner and co-owner Jorrit Kreek, we came up with a model for a new electric cargo bike. From now on, it had to be possible to transport my kids whistling.”

Boy's dream

“From this first design in 2010, Urban Arrow grew into a company with 35 employees,” says Gerald. “It looks like a beautiful story from a book. We now deliver to fifteen countries.


We are building the urban vehicle of the future and providing relief for the gridlocked roads in world cities. Where it is no longer possible to get through by car, our electric cargo bike provides a solution. Not only children are transported. Parcel services, meal deliverers and mechanics also use our electric cargo bike.”


Data exchange problems

Gerald van Weel talks about the further development: “Urban Arrow started working with a manufacturer for the production of bicycles. A logistics service provider was also found for the storage and transport of bicycles and bicycle parts. The problem is that every company uses its own IT package. It is difficult to exchange data with each other. That is essential to maintain control and overview.”

“Gelukkig vonden we in het App Center van Exact een passende oplossing. T-Box levert als enige de mogelijkheid om data van Exact Online op een prettige manier te koppelen met samenwerkende bedrijven.”

T-Box als interface en voor controle

“Bij Urban Arrow willen we dagelijks kunnen controleren of onze gegevens kloppen met de samenwerkende partners”, vertelt Gerald verder. “De verschillen worden dan heel snel duidelijk of we kunnen zien dat alles werkt volgens plan.”

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